It’s been
more than a week since 14 August when all these inqilabi and azadi marches
started their journey towards the capital. For the past week there has been nothing
on TV and newspapers except for news updates and developments on these marches.
Even those who weren’t part of any of them were sunken deep into the ever
changing situation. These protests have made an entire city hostage, life has literally
come to a still and everyone is hoping for it to end soon.

No matter
how much we despise them and hold them responsible for derailing democracy and
putting up unconstitutional demands they somehow make sense as most of their
demands are what we as average Pakistanis also want. The only difference between
them and us is that we are willing to wait another 5 years for the sake of
democracy just as we have been waiting since the last 60 years! We don’t want any protests, rallies, dharnas or
any kind of systematic changes during this period as we believe that just by
letting democracy run smoothly we can achieve these goals magically.
If we want
true democracy in Pakistan we have to set some things right first, otherwise the
argument that “give democracy sometime” will never hold true as it will always
be derailed by similar protests. To make democracy work we have to make some
very solid changes in our justice system as well. The justice system in
Pakistan is one of the most corrupt in the world. Common people like us are so
afraid of police stations and courts that we rather not report petty crimes (mobile
snatchings, thefts, deception, over-pricing) at all just to avoid the hassle
and have almost no hope of any kind of recovery whatsoever. There has never
been a single fully independent case hearing of the innumerable corruption
cases against former/current politicians. Can they get away with anything? Even
murder? 14 people were killed by police and still no FIR was registered just
because the people involved are above the law? Still we want things to settle
down and this fiasco to end.

The azadi
march was announced 2 months ago after failure to negotiate terms with government
on their very valid demands; but government never paid any heed to it. Not even
the opposition who is now very active in trying to sort things out between the
two just to save the “system”. Similarly the other march started merely because
people were killed and timely justice was not served. Regardless of the number
of people protesting on streets, it is a democratic government’s responsibility
to give people their rights and fulfill their justified demands.
this drama ends, one thing is for sure, people won't tolerate incompetent and
corrupt rulers anymore. Even if things settle down they won't last much long
until another group stands up against the same rotten system. So might as well
elongate this protest and set some things right, even if it calls for an
interim government for some time. Democracy can wait.